2012 March Monthly Meeting
29th March, 2012

Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012

Place: Trader Vic’s, 800 W. Olympic Blvd., # A120, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Parking: On site. Parking will be validated

Time: Reception: 11:30am, Lunch: 12.00pm

Speaker: Los Angeles City Attorney - Carmen Trutanich Bio is at: http://chrismontoya.com/websites/nuch/biography.htm

Dear LACC Members and Friends,

The Hon. Jorge Lapsenson – Dean of the Los Angeles Consular Corps and the Executive Committee cordially invite all members of the Corps, Trade /Tourism Commissioners to attend our March 29, 2012 meeting and luncheon. The LACC welcomes the participation of accredited designees, trade/tourism commissioners, and Protocol and Liaison officers.

Note: Newly arrived Chef de Posts and accredited staff will be welcomed and introduced.

Departing Chef de Posts will be recognized.

Reservations: By phone to Frank Cheng: (415) 774-6788 or by email to fc@laconsularcorps.com by March 22st. Please forward your check in the amount of $60 for members, and $75 for non members, checks payable to the ‘Los Angeles Consular Corps’, are to be sent to:

HC D. Navarrette

Consulate of Lithuania

2806 Santa Monica Blvd

Santa Monica, CA 90404

(Reservations must be honored unless they are cancelled at least 48 hours in advance).