Blog entries collection for the tag runyon-canyon
A Diplomatic Guide to Runyon Canyon Park, Kenneth Hahn State Park, Ahwahnee Hotel
30th November, 2017
What is the best way to introduce Los Angeles to a visitor?
Statistics don’t work. References to 10 million people; 200+ languages; 4,752 square miles; 300+ live theaters; 40+ universities, etc., etc., etc. result in blurred eyes and a listener who doesn’t hear – rather like a pubescent teenager presented with a list of household chores.
In place of statistics, I follow the old adage, “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words.” Instead of drilling visitors with numbers I take them to the place Sir Richard Branson of Virgin fame identified as “an L.A. must-do.” We go for a walk in Runyon Canyon Park.
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